Friday, November 9, 2007


The word hero holds a lot of meaning to me. It can range from that nice guy who held the door open for me when I couldn't open it, or someone the I know that is going through a very hard time and is still holding their head up high. Being a hero means being caring to oghters, giving, friendly, and confident in the person that they are. Those are a lot of qualities to have to live up to. I believe that the definition of a hero can definetly change over time. For example, when I was younger, my favorite hero was Superman. However, if you asked me today who my hero was, I would say my mom. A hero is a word with a lot of meaning that is not to be taken lightly.


mbuttice2 said...

I agree wit hwhat you said

mbuttice2 said...

I agree with what you defined a hero as.

scohen2 said...

Great Job Megan! I totally agree with what you said. I think that it is sooo sweet that your hero is your mom! Mine is too!:-)

jforehand2 said...

I agree with what you said Meghan! My mom is my hero too!

cgorman2 said...

Meghan i totally agree with you about what a hero means. I love how your mom is your hero. Mine is too.