Friday, September 7, 2007

Question Number One Response

In the writing process, I struggle the most with pre-writing activities. For some reason, I cannot brainstorm and get started on my writing. I struggle on brainstorming because I don't like thinking of what to write, I just like writing. I struggle with beginning my work because I want to drag my reader into the story with me and I find it difficult to give them an eye catcher. I could improve my skills by taking my time and being more focused on the writing prompt at hand. Once I start off I can keep rolling easily, so in order for me to get better I need to focus and think harder.


jadkins2 said...

Wow Jared, it really does stand out, haha. But good points!

bbolgar2 said...

WOW J-Rod way to go =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

arodriguez2 said...

jarod forhand wow jared it really does stand out, hahahahaha. but good points hahahahaha...ha

aurbina2 said...
